1. Name and Seat

«La Leche League Switzerland» (LLLCH) is an association according to Article 60ff ZGB.  Seat of the association is the address of the operations office.

2. Position of the Association

The association belongs to La Leche League International Inc., with headquarters in 957 N. Plum Grove Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60173, USA, and is committed to its principles and philosophy. Like LLL International, LLLCH is an apolitical, non-denominational, non-profit organisation. An area contract with the European Area Network (EAN) defines and regulates the purpose, tasks, goals, policies, rights and obligations. The basis for these is the Policies and Standing Rules Notebook.

3. Goal and Purpose

The purpose of the La Leche League is to promote breastfeeding in all areas, thus making a significant contribution to public health. LLLI recognised Leaders voluntarily share their personal breastfeeding experiences, education, and training. They facilitate the regular exchange of experiences in regional meeting groups and offer information and practical solutions. Mothers and parents of all social classes are encouraged to breastfeed their babies, to take their needs seriously, and to build sustainable parent-child relationships with them. The work of LLLCH is a supplement to the existing medical offer.

4. Policy Statement

La Leche League is convinced that breastfeeding, with its many important physical and psychological benefits, is best for both child and mother and that it is the natural way to develop a good parent-child relationship.  LLL Leaders accompany women through the intense stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting on a mother-to-mother level.  The LLL believes that families need to find useable solutions themselves to questions about breastfeeding and parenting issues using the information provided to them by the LLL.  Women receive support and thus develop more self-confidence in their own abilities.

5. Membership

5.a. Admission

Anyone who supports the aims of LLLCH can be a member or a sympathy member of the association.  The board is free to appoint honorary members.  Honorary members are exempt from membership fees.

Members of LLLCH are natural and legal persons who recognize and promote the goals and purpose of the association.  The association consists of members, honorary members and sympathy members.

5.b. Resignation and Exclusion

Membership expires through:

  • resignation
  • exclusion
  • death

Resignation from the association is possible at any time. A letter or e-mail of resignation should be submitted before the end of the contribution year.

Any member who is guilty of dishonourable conduct or who damages the interests of the association may be excluded from the association by the board. The decision for membership exclusion will be made after a hearing, will be ratified in writing and shall apply immediately.

5.c. Membership fees

The annual membership fee is determined by the General Assembly. Under the terms of LLLI, this fee is comprised of one share each for LLLI, the EAN, LLLCH and the regions. Each region receives the contributions from its members and keeps its own accounts.

5.d. Liability

The association’s assets alone are liable for the association’s obligations. A personal liability of the association’s members is excluded.

6. Organs of the Association

  • General Assembly
  • Board
  • Auditors (optional)

7. General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association and has in particular the following tasks:

  1. Acceptance of
    • the protocol of the previous General Assembly;
    • the year’s report;
    • the year’s financial statements;
    • the report of the auditors.
  2. Determination of membership fees.
  3. Election of the board members.  The board constitutes itself.
  4. Election of auditors.
  5. Any further transactions reserved by law or statutes of the General Assembly (eg revision of the statutes, dissolution of the association).

The General Assembly takes place once annually.  It must be announced in print at least three weeks in advance, stating the agenda.  Grounded motions from individual members must be submitted in writing (including electronic submission) to the Board at least two months (postmark) prior to the General Assembly.

In the case of a vote, the simple majority of the members present shall apply; abstentions are considered as no votes.  An amendment to the Statutes of Association requires a two-thirds majority of the members present.

Extraordinary General Assemblies are convened at the request of the Board or upon written request of one fifth (20%) of the members.

8. Board

The board consists of five or more members.  Board members are elected for two-year terms and are re-electable twice: the maximum term is six years. Thereafter, re-election requires the votes of two thirds of the present voters.

Regional delegates are elected for a term of one year.

In the event that any Board member steps down during his term of office, the Board may assign a replacement for the current association year.  The position must be verified through election at the following General Assembly; the commenced term of office is not counted toward the term maximum.

The Board is entitled to all competences that are not assigned by law or by statutes to another body.
Tasks of the board are, in particular:

  • management of the association
  • financial procurement and controlling
  • contacts with authorities and organisations
  • responsibility for personnel
  • membership promotion
  • collaboration with the executive office

The board discusses its business in-person and through electronic meetings. Votes are valid in all forms.

9. Audits

If two of the following criteria have been exceeded in two consecutive financial years, the association must have its financial accounts duly scrutinized by an auditor elected by the General Assembly:

  1. a balance sheet totalling 20 million CHF;
  2. revenues of 40 million CHF;
  3. 250 full-time jobs, in annual average.

If the above-mentioned criteria are not fulfilled, an auditor who will carry out a limited audit of the accounts must nevertheless be elected if an association member subject to personal or reserve liability so requires.

If the above-mentioned criteria are not fulfilled and all members of the association agree, the election of an auditor can be waived.

Auditors may be one or more natural or legal persons or partnerships.  The auditors must, in accordance with Art. 69b (3) ZGB i.V.m. 728 or 729 OR be independent.

The auditors must have their domiciles, headquarters or registered offices in Switzerland.  If the association has several auditors, at least one must fulfill these requirements.  If the association is obliged to conduct a regular auditing, the General Assembly must elect an accredited audit expert or a state-regulated auditing company in accordance with the provisions of the Auditor Oversight Act of 16 December 2005.

If the association is obliged to make limited revisions, the General Assembly must elect a licensed auditor in accordance with the provisions of the Auditor Oversight Act of 16 December 2005.

Auditors are elected for one financial year.  The term of office ends with the acceptance of the last annual statement.

Re-election is possible.  Dismissal without notice is possible at any time.

10. Dissolution and Liquidation

Dissolution and liquidation of the association will be decided upon at a General Assembly convened for this purpose.  The decision for dissolution requires a two-thirds majority of the voting members present.
Any assets remaining after the liquidation of LLLCH are to be transferred to LLLI.

11. Entry into Force

These statutes were adopted at the General Assembly of the 14th of March 2015 and entered into force on that date.


These statutes can be obtained from the LLLCH secretariat.