About us – LLL CH

About us

La Leche League

La Leche League is an apolitical, non-denominational, and non-governmental, world-wide non-profit organization which has been offering breastfeeding information and support to breastfeeding women and their families for over 60 years.  All LLL Leaders work voluntarily.

The information that you receive from an LLL Leader is based on the current state of research to the best of our knowledge.  Our mother-to-mother consultations cannot, however, replace a medical diagnosis and therapy.  If you have medical questions or emergencies contact a medical professional (doctor, lactation consultant IBCLC).

Mother-to-Mother consultations

La Leche League Leaders offer breastfeeding information and support to other mothers free of charge and also outside of office hours.  All LLL Leaders have personal breastfeeding experience and have completed an international training programme.

We depend upon Memberships and Donations

La Leche League is financed solely through membership fees and donations.  Please support us by becoming a member or making a donation.